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时间:2006-03-21 18:58:41
  • 来源:3DMGAME
  • 作者:不死鸟
  • 编辑:ChunTian


Vol. 1 - Snowbrook Haven Living Quarters(雪溪城堡的仆人起居室里);

Vol. 2 - Vai'Kesh Sanctuary, a short way from its southern exit.(车队被袭处往前走的斐凯斯神里);

Vol. 3 - In Aman'lu from Alar'ithil(亚曼路城里);

Vol. 4 - In Aman'lu at Altorn Hall(亚曼路城里);

Vol. 5 - In Aman'lu at Twylis's House(亚曼路城里);

Vol. 6 - Eastern Greilyn Jungle, where you meet Vix(东葛瑞林森林收Vix的地方,必经之路上);

Vol. 7 - Windstone fortress, in the Western Gatehouse(风岩要塞西门房);

Vol. 8 - Temple of Xeria(丝莉雅神殿中);

Vol. 9 - Temple of Xeria(丝莉雅神殿中);

Vol. 10 - In Aman'lu from Eolanda(在亚曼路城里);

Vol. 11 - In Aman'lu next to Eolanda(在亚曼路城里);

Vol. 12 - In Aman'lu Magic Shop(在亚曼路城里);

Vol. 13 - In Aman'lu Inn(在亚曼路城里);

Vol. 14 - In Aman'lu near Eolanda(在亚曼路城里);

Vol. 15 - In Aman'lu Magic Shop(在亚曼路城里);

Vol. 16 - In Kalrathia at north east side of town(卡拉席雅城里);

Vol. 17 - *Ruins beneath Mushroom Circle in East Greilyn Jungle(在蘑菇圈下);

Vol. 18 - *Ruins beneath Mushroom Circle in South Vai'lutra Forest(在蘑菇圈下);

Vol. 19 - *Ruins beneath Mushroom Circle in South Garden of Ancients(在蘑菇圈下);

Vol. 20 - *Ruins beneath Mushroom Circle in Ruins of okaym(在蘑菇圈下)。

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  • 类型:角色扮演
  • 发行:微软
  • 发售:2005-08-16
  • 开发:Gas Powered Games
  • 语言:简中 | 英文
  • 平台:PC
  • 标签:

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